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2018/19 R&D Survey Statistical Report R&D, Science & Technology, Research report The National Survey of Research and experimental Development (R&D Survey), which forms a part of the National Statistics System, is published annually by the Department of Science and innovation (DSI) in partnership with Statistics South Africa, and in alignment with the Statistics act (No. 6 of 1999). This Statistical Report presents data tables from the 2018/19 South African National Survey of Research and Experimental Development (R&D Survey). The report provides the key findings of the survey with commentary, standard summary tables of the overall findings from 2018/19, along with time series data from previous instances of the survey. The Statistical Report is published annually, along with the Main Report, which provides selected analysis of the survey data. The survey covers the sectors that perform R&D in South Africa. • The business enterprise sector, comprising large, medium and small enterprises, including state-owned enterprises. • The government sector, comprising national, provincial and local government with an R&D component, government research institutions and museums. • The higher education sector, comprising all public and private higher education institutions with an R&D component. • The not-for-profit sector, comprising non-governmental and other organisations formally registered as not-for-profit institutions. • The science council sector, comprising the seven science councils established through Acts of Parliament.
Agricultural Biotechnology Annual GMO, New Breeding Technologies, South Africa, GE South Africa has a robust and experienced regulatory system for genetically engineered (GE) products, which started with the publication of its “GMO” Act in 1997. Today, South Africa is among the top-10 largest producers of GE crops in the world and by far the largest in Africa. To date, South Africa has approved 27 GE plant events for commercial production contained in three commodities, namely corn, soybeans, and cotton. The production area of the GE commodities in South Africa is estimated at around 2.8 million hectares. South Africa is in the process of defining a regulatory policy for New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) and is considering regulating genome edited products in terms of its current “GMO” Act. Unnecessarily strict regulations in terms of NBTs could impede innovative research and agricultural trade.
Agricultural Biotechnology Annual SA Report Agriculture, Biotechnology, Plant breeding, Farming This report provides a picture of South Africa's commercial agricultural biotechnology industry and how it hs evolved over the years as South Africa continues to be the biotechnology leader in Africa.
BCX Digital Innovation Report 2022 Innovation, Global pandemic, Digital transformation The 2022 BCX Digital Innovation Report has been compiled using data and insights across sectors and industries to provide you with a 360-degree view of where business is headed. The Innovation Report touches on the digital landscape of businesses in relation to South Africa’s state during the global pandemic, while focusing on how these innovations have played their role shifting business processes and operations. It also looks at the impact that digital transformation has had on customers, and how we can harness these changes in the future.
ICGEB Biotechnology Update - 2021 Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Innovation, Sustainable Development This newsletter provides up-to-date information on activities related to biotechnology or the life sciences more generally at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It is mainly intended for OECD staff and delegates to OECD meetings who are already familiar with certain aspects of the Organisation’s work. We hope that it is also informative for the wider biotech community.
RCI Innovations Brochure 2020 Innovation, technology, science, Funding At RC&I, our inflection point has been driven by the near doubling of our Innovation Team during 2020, through the support of Department of Science and Innovation’s (DSI) National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO), and significant enabling changes in our funding environment. Following the establishment of UCT’s Evergreen Fund, which invests in UCT spin-off entities, an Innovation Builder Fund was established to mature research outputs and in addition UCT participated as a special limited partner in the launch of the SA SME Fund’s University Technology Fund which came into being in January 2020.
Sixteen novel lineages of SARS-CoV-2 in South Africa Covid19, Genome Sequence, Analysis The KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform (KRISP), Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal conducted an analysis of more than 1,300 near-whole genome sequences of SARS-CoV-2 isolated in South Africa during the first 6 months of the pandemic revealed 16 new lineages of the virus. These findings shed light on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 throughout South Africa from 6 March to 26 August 2020.Genomic epidemiology has been used to understand the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 and to track the dynamics of transmission across the world. 
SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT HYBRID CONFERENCE Waste Management SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT HYBRID CONFERENCE “Identifying the Value in the Waste” 2CPD Points Date: 30 – 31 March 2023 at The Hilton Hotel Sandton, Johannesburg   Overview With increasing population, urbanization and expanding economic activities, solid waste disposal and management is a challenge in Africa. Waste is one of the biggest challenges faced by the world today, and the future of solid waste management depends on every single individual. Although government authorities, leaders of the nations, municipalities and local communities are working hard to manage the extensive amount of waste generated every day, a radical change in mindset at an individual level is the need of the hour. On a broader note, improper waste disposal and management, which includes public littering, lack of waste segregation, uncontrolled collection and disposal and poor waste treatment practices, have greatly impacted the world. This conference on Solid Waste Management will enlighten the state of the art in technology, organizational and legislative developments and practices of handling solid wastes globally. An in-depth of the financial burdens and benefits as well as solutions to transforming African economies to sustainable and circular models will be discussed. The presentations will help the delegates to make informed decisions in their professional activities, it will assist them in defining and implementing integrated solutions to the challenges posed by solid wastes in urban environment. The conference will support participants to establish a solid waste management system that is capable of functioning not only in situations where sufficient resources are available but also under the more challenging conditions usually prevailing in cities in low-income countries. The conference seeks to highlight and address alternatives to revolutionize what we do with garbage. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Rethink solid waste and landfill management, they should no longer be considered as static end-stations for obsolete materials, but rather as dynamic resource reservoirs to be unlocked, and bring about a more sustainable environment for future generations. Who should attend? Municipalities Environmental Academia/ Officers/ Managers Health & Safety Officers/Managers Landfill Supervisors/Managers Waste Logistics Supervisors/Managers NPO / NGO environmental groups Waste Awareness Organizations/ Associations Integrated Waste Management Managers Built Environment Faculties at Universities Recycling Associations/ Industries/ Researchers Manufacturing /Recycling Companies Environmentalist/ Journalists (print & electronic) Waste Contractors/Consultants/ Entrepreneurs Research Institutes/ Scientists All Government Departments Ecologists Green Energy Organizations/ Institutions Banks (Sustainability Managers) Chemical Engineers To register, complete the registration form which is the last page of the detailed brochure and send it back to Should you require further details do not hesitate to contact us.   Kind Regards, Lucy Jacobs Marketing Executive | Zambezi Pride  Tel: +27(0) 87 700 3001  Fax: +27(0) 86 603 3081 Email: 04 Evelyn Avenue, Bordeaux, Randburg, Johannesburg. 2194 “If you don’t like being a doormat then get off the floor.”    
South African Science, Technology & Innovation Indicators 2020 Research report, Science & Technology, Funding, Research & Development The 2020 South African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Report was compiled with the latest available data from various organisations and institutions that were mandated to collect the data. The Report reflects progress on some indicators, while pointing to areas of concern. Although South Africa’s research system, particularly public institutions such as universities and science councils, has shown a steady increase in scientific publications over many years, more recent performance indicates a decline. 
Study to Establish Market Opportunities for Sorghum in South Africa Sorghum, Grain South Africa, Employment, NDA The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), Grain South Africa and other partners have welcomed the findings of a feasibility study on expanding market opportunities for locally cultivated sorghum. Sorghum is one of the crops identified by the agricultural pillar of the DSI's Bio-economy Strategy, which recognises the need to invest in value chain analysis initiatives that can support food security and the development of the agriculture sector through import substitution and other measures. The sorghum feasibility study is aligned to the DSI's drive towards revitalisation of the agricultural sector, in support of the National Development Plan (NDP) finding that the sector has the potential to expand by one million hectares and create one million jobs by 2030.  
The South African Startup Ecosystem Report Ecosystem, Tech. Startups, SMME's, report, Funding, government, Accelerator, Incubators The Disrupt Africa team is delighted to present their 17th research publication, and second geographically-focused report, with the South African tech startup ecosystem the subject. The South African Startup Ecosystem Report 2022 report tracks the growth and development of South Africa’s tech startup ecosystem since 2015. We meet the startups, learn about their founders, find out what verticals they are active in, where they were incubated or accelerated, and who funded them. And we dig deeper into the broader ecosystem, taking a look at funding sources, hubs, incubators and accelerators, and detailing what support is available to startups from government, corporates and universities.