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International bioeconomies

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A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe EU Bioeconomy Strategy, 2030 Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals The 2018 update of the Bioeconomy Strategy aims to accelerate the deployment of a sustainable European bioeconomy so as to maximise its contribution towards the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as the Paris Agreement. The update also responds to new European policy priorities, in particular the renewed Industrial Policy Strategy, the Circular Economy Action Plan and the Communication on Accelerating Clean Energy Innovation, all of which highlight the importance of a sustainable, circular bioeconomy to achieve their objectives.
Bio based Industries Consortium 2021 Bioeconomy, Innovation, Europe, Circular Bioeconomy The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) is a leading membership-based association pioneering a sustainable circular bioeconomy in Europe. Its membership includes 240+ industry members covering the whole value chain, from primary production to the market, across multiple and diverse sectors, such as agriculture & agri-food, aquaculture & marine, chemicals and materials, including bioplastics, forestry and pulp & paper, market sectors, technology providers and waste management & treatment. BIC’s membership also includes over 200 associate members such as research organisations, academia, trade associations, etc.
Bioeconomy from experts’ perspectives – Results of a global expert survey global collaboration, Sustainable Development Goals, international bioeconomy Effective global collaboration is crucial to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It requires an understanding of the needs of individual countries and their expectations related to bioeconomy. With the aim to explore the prospective developments in the global bioeconomy over the next 20 years, the German Bioeconomy Council, an independent advisory body to the German Federal Government, commissioned BIOCOM-AG to invite experts from around the globe to share their insights in a global expert survey. 
Bioeconomy Policies around the World Bioeconomy, International, Strategy The bioeconomy holds potential solutions to important future challenges. The social, economic and environmental impacts associated with its products and processes, however, will require extensive dialogues on the future development of the bioeconomy. The overall aim of the EU-funded project BioSTEP is to promote a public dialogue on the goals of the bioeconomy.
National Bioenergy Strategy in Ghana Bioenergy, biomass, biofuel, Strategy The Ghana Bioenergy Strategy was developed to promote the sustainable supply and utilisation of bioenergy to ensure energy security for Ghana whilst maintaining adequate food security. This policy mainly focuses on woodfuel, biofuel and biomass waste to energy. 
Strategy for developing the Bio-Diesel Industry in Kenya Biodiesel strategy in Kenya This strategy provides the framework for implementing activities geared towards the development of the biodiesel industry. It provides an avenue for resource mobilization to facilitate the various activities outlined. It provides direction for developing the relevant rules and regulations for governing the industry, as well as prudent implementation of biodiesel programmes with dues concern for food security, environmental protection and socioeconomic development.