Mentoring, Mentee, Transfer of Knowledge, Relationship building
Mentoring is the transfer and exchange of information between a mentor and a mentee as they develop a long-term relationship. Clearly the focus of mentoring is the transfer of knowledge throughout the organisation. Mentoring is a very powerful tool and can have many benefits, as an intervention within any sector. For this reason it requires much planning, effort and energy which should all be directed towards attaining specific benefits for your organisation.
South Africa envisioned in the Republic of South Africa Constitution (1996), and to achieve government’s national priorities of economic transformation, inclusive growth, and efficient public service delivery, good public financial management is needed. The Constitution envisages a public service that is professional, accountable, and a development oriented.
Mentoring is a partnership in which a mentee is assisted in making significant advances in knowledge, perspective and vision in order to develop their potential; the mentor’s wisdom is utilised by the mentee to facilitate and enhance new learning and insight. The mentor focuses on the development of the learner and passing on personalised, domain specific knowledge. Mentors help to set the agenda, with the primary aim to develop an individual or small group to learn more comprehensively from their day-to-day working experience.