* Include accurate information and complete ALL the sections to ensure your details are accurately captured and incorporated into the database.
* After registration, please verify that your information is accurately displayed on the Portal, including on the Functional & Geographical Maps and all other relevant sections under resources and opportunities.
*"Organisation" refers to any "functional entity or group" involved in the bioeconomy that can benefit from and/or advance the objectives of the Portal. Including, a research group or lab, a specific funding program, a department or unit within a larger organisation, an SMME or an individual consultant. The aim of the Portal is to facilitate collaboration among such groups and individuals, we therefore encourage registration as an organisation.
*Registering as an "individual" will give you full access to the Portal, including the ability to upload content, but individual's information is not incorporated into the Bioeconomy SA ecosystem maps.
*Members' active participation is key to the Portal's success. The aim is to create an active community not a static website, so please continue to contribute and engage after registration to grow South Africa's Bioeconomy!